2025 Orlando Cup Invitational

01/31/2025 - 02/02/2025

Game Point Event Orlando

Deadline entry: 02.09.2024

Deadline MP3, Travel, Hotel, Visa, Meal: 21.01.2025

Contact: info@orlandocupinvitational.com

Notes: Registration Process:
- All register gymnasts will be in "Waiting" status until payment is received
- Gymnasts will get into the event and their level on the order of payment received
- Levels will closed as soon as it reaches capacity
- "Waiting" status is not considered registered or hold a spot in the 2025 OCI
- Only gymnasts who have paid and clear from "Waiting" status are confirmed to be part of the 2025 OCI
- Make sure that all your gymnasts have full DOB with their registration (date, month and year)


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